Saturday, February 11, 2012

A little less conversation (hearts) a little more fashion...

I've been trying to find a cute way to make some Valentine earrings.  While at Walgreens the other day I found a box of those chalky, stale conversation heart candies.  You know, those ones that tasted terrible yet you still gave them to your friends every Valentine's Day?

Well, I was inspired.  How cute would little conversation heart earrings be?  These were as easy as pie!

Conversation Heart Earrings


Conversation heart candies
Mod Podge
Jewelry glue
post earring blanks
paint brush

I started out by sorting my conversation hearts by color.  I didn't care if the sayings matched, but I prefer if the colors of both earrings matched.  I then dipped my paint brush in Mod Podge and brushed a thin layer on the top and sides of each heart.  I let it dry for 15 min. then turned them over and coated the bottom.  I recommend brushing a thin layer and only going over the top of the heart once for each coat, as it makes the ink a little smeary.  I coated these earrings 3 times with Mod Podge, letting the coats dry for 15 min. in between.

Once they were done, I let them dry for about 1 hr to make sure they were really hard.  I then took my jewelry glue, my trusty Amazing Goop, and glued earring posts to the backs.  I let these dry for at least 24 hours before wearing.

I put my posts in the center top of the heart

I attached mine to decorated index cards to give as Valentine favors
Now, these are coated but it's probably wise not to get them wet.  I put this disclaimer on the back of my note cards....with a little note telling the recipient not to eat them either!

Speaking of conversation hearts, I found this post while browsing for pics of the candies.  Clearly I'm not the only one inspired to make sweet baubles!  Mod Podge Rocks  Her blog is fabulous and will be my new fave!


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